April 27Legos and Adults
April 26Movie Review: The Conjuring (2013)
April 26Ragged Faces
April 25Legos and Adults
March 28Ragged Faces
March 14What Do Seniors Think of Test-Optional Admissions Policies?
March 14Year of the Monkey by Patti Smith
March 14Legacy
March 14Mons
March 7flying hubris: an Icarus retelling
March 7David Afflick
February 16droplets
February 10Spring’s Entrance
February 10Elevate The Basic Ponytail (Part 1): From My Hair Tips to Yours
February 10The Crochet Diaries: History of Crocheting and Introduction to Stitches
One LHS student narrates her friend’s memoir
Ngan Pham, NarratorJanuary 24, 2018
Narrated by Ngan Pham
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