October 6, 2020
Little birdy, little birdy
Open up those wings
Fly away from this ugly place
And get away from me
Little birdy, little birdy
How are you so sweet?
Caring, kind, and holding
You stay with me though your wings shine
Grounded by my heart
Little birdy, little birdy
You have another name
Often told it’s too absurd
To be used in everyday
Little birdy, little birdy
Let me whisper in your ear
A gorgeous name, or so I say
I speak of every fucking day
Little birdy, little birdy
Your use is one of many
Racing hearts, crashing cars
Anxiety is your name
Little birdy, little birdy
How I hate you so
You can save lives
You can prevent harm
Yet you feed on innocent hearts and souls
Little birdy, little birdy
I just want to let you go